
0421 210 072


Antenatal Care

Antenatal care is about monitoring the wellbeing of you and your baby as well as getting to know you and your family in the lead up to birth.

After your initial booking between 12-16 weeks, from 20 weeks, our antenatal visits will be monthly, increasing in frequency during the 3rd trimester and weekly from 36 weeks. All antenatal visits during your pregnancy take place in your home where you are relaxed and comfortable.

Normal care includes having your blood pressure checked, listening to your baby’s heartbeat with a doppler or Pinards, and checking growth and position by abdominal palpation.

As an endorsed midwife I am able to order any ultrasounds and pathology tests that might be recommended or chosen by you as well as prescribe medications and refer to other health professionals.

A large and the most important part of the visits is time spent planning and preparing for your birth and postnatal period while we get to know each other. By the time your labour begins I understand what your birth plan and preferences are, who is in your birth team, and where to find the teabags. Partners, children and pets are welcome to attend and be a part of this time.

As your midwife I am always available by phone, text or email if you have any questions or concerns – you don’t need to wait until our next visit to talk to me.

I work with women planning to give birth at home or in hospital.



Labour and Birth

I am on call 24/7 for you as labour approaches.

I provide a birth pool and liner as part of my service to use in labour and/or to give birth in and would usually drop this off around 36-37 weeks.

As your labour begins we will decide together when you need me to come and be with you.

A second midwife will also be present for the birth and both of us are trained and qualified in maternal and neonatal life support.
My birth kit contains much of the first line equipment and medications that would be used in a hospital, such as resuscitation and suturing equipment and medication to control bleeding.

I remain with you at home for a few hours once your baby is born to ensure you and your baby are both well and healthy, supporting you to feed your baby and helping to shower and tuck you into bed and I will perform a head to toe examination of your baby, including weight and measures before I leave.

Should you need to transfer to hospital I will remain with you to support and advocate for you and until after your baby is born.




After the birth I will generally visit every day for the first 2-3 days, Day 5 – 7, then at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks. This schedule is a guide only and the number of visits will be tailored to your individual circumstances and discussed with you.

The postnatal period is one of learning and discovery to your baby and I offer individualised support and care during these special first days and weeks.

During this time I will be monitoring your recovery from birth, supporting you to establish breastfeeding, debriefing the birth and ensuring your baby is feeding and growing well. I also offer general baby and early parenting advice and support.

All babies are offered Vitamin K (with your consent), Newborn Bloodspot Screening, well baby checks, jaundice monitoring and weight checks. If there are any concerns for you or your baby, I can refer to other care providers as required.

Medicare rebates are available for antenatal and postnatal care.